Dedicated and Driven
Congratulations to Jack Peterson, the August 2022 BSC Athlete of the Month!
Where were you in your fitness journey before BSC and where are you now?
Before BSC I was trying to find an activity or sport that I enjoyed doing. I participated in a recreational swim team, skateboarding classes, golf and tennis. Now I am doing CrossFit five days a week and The Burn on Sundays.
What were your goals when you started, and have you achieved any of them?
My first goal when I started at BSC was to do the CrossFit classes in the morning with my dad and brother. Another goal I had was to not be nervous doing certain movements that I had not done in the burn classes before such as the snatch and overhead squat. I think that I have achieved both of those goals.
What about BSC makes you keep coming back?
Something that makes me keep coming back to BSC is knowing that every day that I come improves me and makes me stronger and more proficient at the movements. Another thing that makes me keep coming back is my family. They are always there pushing me and being supportive.
When/what was your "ah ha!" moment?
My “ah ha” moment was the 2022 Open. Even though I scaled the weights for some of the workouts, it gave me goals for the following year, and showed me ways I can improve. Another way this was my “ah ha” moment because it really gave me a feel of what it is supposed to feel like to push yourself.
Does anyone at the gym (member or trainer) inspire you and why?
My whole family inspires me. My dad because it shows that CrossFit keeps you strong and moving throughout your whole life. My brother because he shows that working hard pays off in the end and that CrossFit can become more than a sport if you try. Finally, my mom because she shows that anybody can do CrossFit even when you are injured, you can adapt the workout and stay moving.