Customer of the MonthAugust

Kim Grasberger

Congratulations to Kim Grasberger, the August 2021 BSC Athlete of the Month!

Where were you in your fitness journey before BSC and where are you now?
When I showed up for my first Burn and Build class at BSC, I was a weak and flabby middle-aged, has-been athlete mom adrift in a sea of dirty laundry and dorm paraphernalia brought home by my two recently-returned-home-because-of-Covid college kids. But I had hope! I had to get out of the house and change all of that. In my workouts, I began with practically no weight (sometimes no weight), and I was exhausted by the end of each workout. After a year, I've gained muscle, lost fat, and I actually have more energy after the workouts than I do before them.
What were your goals when you started and have you achieved any of them?
To be honest, I just wanted to lose weight and not be the last person to finish every workout at the start, then my competitiveness kicked in! I wanted to work toward the Rx weights and reps, and crush those workouts! As I mentioned, my body composition has improved, and I'm consistently able to finish my AMRAPs and MetCons without resting between sets. Beyond that, I've realized how much I respect those people who are working hard--lifting heavier weights, pushing their cardio, and trying to improve. I also respect myself when I do that, and I still have so many ways to get better. I look forward to the challenge!
What about BSC makes you keep coming back?
Let's see... I'm fitter, healthier, happier, and I get to work out with a bunch of awesome people! Try and stop me from coming back!
When/what was your "ah ha" moment?
My "ah ha" moment for knowing that I needed to make a change was when I had my Body Composition Test done and realized how little muscle I had. Yikes! My "ah ha" moment at BSC was when, about five months into my membership, I was doing the assault bike and Dawna told me that I was good at it (okay, I'm not Mike or Christine Ford, Molly, Bert, Damian, Ellie or Ricardo good). I was shocked that I could be considered good at anything in the gym!
Does anyone at the gym (member or trainer) inspire you and why?
Heck yeah! I am honestly inspired by everyone there, but a few people are very special to me. First, Dawna Graham always tries to help ensure that I understand the movements and do them correctly and in an encouraging way. Particularly in the beginning I needed that! She makes me feel like she genuinely cares about my success. Deb Reser is my awesome sit-up buddy who I try to emulate and someone who I always look to if I don't know how to do a movement. She's a couple years older than I am, but still manages those spring-loaded sit-ups and big, heavy weights. I'm inspired by nice guy Derrick Shoda, who's fun, humble, works hard and kicked butt at the Open this year! I'm inspired by Sasha DeSilva whose intelligent, chill coaching method is perfect on Monday morning, and I love her reserved smile and quiet chuckle. Last, I love finishing the week with Mike Ford's Friday Burn class--it feels like a CrossFit happy hour with Mike's fun energy and booming voice!

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