A great example of how to approach training and life!
We are proud to announce Kush Pathak is our BSC Athlete of the Month for October 2020
Where were you in your fitness journey before BSC and where are you now?
I have always been active with sports. I used to play a lot of racquetball and squash when we lived in Ohio. In 2012 I ran a half marathon for the first time. However, after that I fell off the wagon a little bit for 3-4 years with young kids and a busy career. When we moved to Portland in 2016 I was looking to get back into fitness. I had heard about CrossFit but always felt a little intimidated. I decided to try BSC onboarding and honestly it still felt intimidating in the beginning. People were lifting heavy weights when I was struggling to even do the movements with an empty bar. But I kept going and telling myself that I don't have to compete with others, I just have to be a little better every day. Slowly but surely the weights went up, the movements got better, new PRs were set and I was doing things that I never thought I would be able to do. Now I feel that I know what I am doing at the gym. I am still not the guy who lifts the heaviest (and never will be hahah)...but I try to just show up every day and give 100% to each workout. I really look forward to my time at BCF every day.
What were your goals when you started and have you achieved any of them?
I had a very simple reason and goal for joining BSC: My family. My doctor told me that my health numbers were trending in the wrong direction and unless I did something to change I'd be looking at prescriptions for the rest of my life. I could not imagine not being an active father to my young daughters. I joined BSC so that I can grow young with them and enjoy everything life has to offer. I want to be able to play golf with my girls until I reach the last hole of this journey called Life! I am happy to report that 4 years later my numbers have improved and I haven't needed any prescription. In fact last time I asked my doctor for a test they told me to chill because my numbers are fine and I don't need to get tested so regularly!
What about BSC makes you keep coming back?
The community and the people. Everyone is so nice, so friendly and welcoming. There truly is something special about this place. When I don't come to the gym for a few days I really miss it!
When/what was your “ah ha!” moment?
3-4 months ago I realized that even though I am moving better and lifting heavier weights my body weight was not going down. After doing some research and talking to a couple of coaches I realized that exercise alone isn't the answer. I was not eating bad. I just wasn't eating the right things in the right potion size. I increased the protein in my diet and was more conscious about my potion sizes. In the last 3 months I have been able to lose 15 pounds with these changes.
Does anyone the gym (member or trainer) inspire you and why?
Everyone! All of the coaches are super awesome. They all give me a hard time but I know it is because they love me :) I don't know how BCF finds all of these amazing coaches. Every time a coach has left I felt really sad to see them leave. And then the new coach comes and they are equally awesome. I love it! All the members are really nice also. I am a regular in the 5:30 pm class and it's been fun to see other people's progression through the years. I've been able to meet some really sweet people and make awesome friends. The diversity of the BSC members inspires me. There are people of all ages, races, ethnicities, fitness levels at BSC and the one thing they have in common is when they see you they smile. Such a beautiful thing to experience every day!