Humble, Consistent, Coachable
Congratulations to Adam Richter, the August 2023 BSC Athlete of the Month!
Congratulations to Adam Richter, the August 2023 BSC Athlete of the Month!
Congratulations to Brian Olsen, the June 2023 BSC Athlete of the Month!
Max rounds in 3 minutes of:
3 Power Cleans, 135#/95#
6 Push-ups
9 Squats
Rest 1-minute.
Repeat for a total of 5 cycles
*Perform sets @50% +/-
*Rest 30sec between clusters.
*rest 2-3mins b/t sets
Sprint Sets!
7 Heavy Wall Balls 30/20
5 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20
15/12 Cals on Bike
*Perfrom a round every 4 minutes.
*4 Rounds total
Keep loads light to perform the movements correctly.
*Begin at 50-60% and build.
*Begin at 50-60% and build over sets.
3 Sets
10 BB Good Mornings
10 1-Arm DB Bench
10 1-Arm DB Row
Alt. EMOM 8
Odd: 5 Muscle Ups
Even: 5 Thursters 135/95
Partner “Kelly”
5 Rounds for time with a partner:
400m Run
30 Box Jumps 24/20
30 Wall Balls 20/14
Box 30/24
WB 25/16
*Run together, divide reps anyway you like.
-Follow the Leader-
10 Alt. DB Snatch
6 Burpees
10 SA DB Push Press 5/Side
10 Box Jumps
6/side Bulgarian Split Squats
6-12 Chin ups
12/side Tricep Kickbacks
100m Run @ 75%
20/15 Cals Bike @ 80%
8 Double KB or BB Deadlift
8 Ab Wheel/BB Rollouts
5 Rounds
5-8 Close Grip DB Bench Press
Max Rep Hammer Curls
Rest 90 sec between rounds
Energy system training:
Every 3 minutes for 4 Rounds:
15/12 Cals on Bike at 100% effort
18/15 Cals on bike
DB Hang Clean Thruster 50’s/35’s
C2B Pullups
*After each round 25 Double Unders
Working at 70% effort or lower
On a 25min Clock perform the following:
Ski Erg/Row/Bike for cals
*Every 5 minutes (including 0:00) 100m Farmers carry DB’s or KB’s.
*Change apparatus every 5 minutes.