
Main – CrossFit

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Main WOD

The 4:30 class will have 2 “expecting” Dads and they will do a modified WOD to accommodate their “babies”….

M-1: Deadlift (3 x 5 ; 70-75%)

M-2: Back Squat (2 x 15 ; 50% max ; speed is king)

M-3: Snatch / burpee EMOM 12 (70% ish snatch)

3 power snatch + 5 burpees

Competition WOD

C-1: Back Squat (5 x 10 ; same as Tues)

C-2: 2 position snatch (Build to a heavy in 8 sets)

1 rep from above knee + 1 rep from floor

C-3: Metcon (3 Rounds for time)

Complete as much as possible in 6 min ,

then 8 min , then for time….rest 5 min

between sets

1000m row

50 KB swings 53/35

40 T2B

30 S2OH 115/80

20 C2B pull up

10 burpee box jump over


SW: (No Measure)

A – Weight Vest Box Jump

6 x 3

*Alternate between full squat box jump and standing box jump

*45 sec rest

B – Deadlift – 12 Min Sadiv – AMFRepAP

*As many explosive reps as possible in 12 min. Tight, braced, arms extended set up. Pull as fast as possible off of floor to lockout.

**Use 60%+ of your 1 RM. If you hit over 36 reps (1 every :20 sec) last time, add 10 lbs this time.

C – Back Squat

1 x 20 @ 50%+ AFAP

*Add weight if you were able to complete this in under 40 sec last week.

**Focus on a fast set and fast ascent.

***Moderately controlled decent, not a divebomb but quick and controlled.

D – Single Leg Deadlift

3 x 5 Each leg

E1 – GHD Raise

3 x 6-8

E2 – Weighted GHD Sit Up

3 x 6-8

Categories: WOD

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