
Main – CrossFit

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Main WOD

M-1: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds)

EMOM 12 of

3 thrusters 115/75

3 C2B pull ups

M-2: Bench Press (Max rep set x 2 ; 95/65# ; rest 4 b/t)

Competition WOD

C-1: 2 position clean (Build to a heavy in 10 min)

1 from above knee

1 from floor

C-2: Split Jerk (Build to a heavy in 10 min)

C-3: Metcon (Time)

4 rounds of

400m run (500m row if POURING)

8 Thrusters 135/95

4 bar MU


S-A: Strict Press (Strict Press 2×8 @80%; rest 2 minutes)

S-B: Dumbell Bench Press (Dumbell Strict Press 4×10; rest 2 minutes AHAP)

S-C: Single Arm DB Row (Single arm Dumbell Rows 5×10; rest 2 minutes AHAP)

Bent over DB row with one arm.

S-D: Metcon (Calories)

6 sets:

Airdyne Sprints 20 seconds ALL OUT; rest 2 minutes

Categories: WOD

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