
Beaverton Strength and Conditioning – CrossFit

Main WOD

A: Metcon (Weight)


3 sets

5 Supine MB Chest Pass (W/ partner)

10 Banded straight arm pull downs
*Focus: Be explosive/dynamic w/ MB.

*Supine MB Chest pass

B: Bench Press (4×8)

s/s with chin ups

C: Chin Up (4×8)

Palms facing you.
*Close grip chin ups

s/s with bench

D: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

20min AMRAP

3 rounds of “Cindy”

1 Clean 225/155

400m Run
Scale the clean so you can hit it without too much waiting

Accessory Work

A: Clean and Jerk 21s (1 x 5 , 1 x 5 , 1 x 5 , 6 x 1)

Start at 40% and add 5# each set – focus on speed and form

Categories: WOD

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