Main – CrossFit
Main WOD
M-1: GPP rope/DU/T2B (No Measure)
3 sets not for time of
1-2 rope climbs 20/15′
30-40 DUs
12-15 T2B
M-2: Back Squat (“Conga” style…build to a heavy triple in 20 min)
M-3: Helen (Time)
3 Rounds for time of:
400m Run
21 Kettlebell Swings, 53# / 35#
12 Pull-ups
Competition WOD
C-1: Metcon (No Measure)
3 sets not for time
8-10 ring dips ( depth and lockout)
10-12 alt pistols
3-6 bar MU
C-2 : Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
Working at 75%-ish
Focus on breathing and fluid movement
AMRAP 16 of
20 KB sw 53/35
15 C2B pull ups (BF practice)
10 HSPU 2″ deficit
20 cal row
“Rest” b/t movements
C-3: Back Squat (Build to a heavy triple in 20 min)
S-: Metcon (Weight)
55% 2xAMRAP; rest 2-3 minutes
Single Arm DB press
3×20; rest 60 seconds
*all 20 reps on 1 arm before switching sides
L-Pull-Ups 5×3 @40X0; rest 2 minutes
PERFECT reps, if you cannot do L-Pull-Ups complete perfect strict Pull-Ups or Banded if needed, pay attention to the tempo!!!!!!!
DB External Rotations 3×12 @40X0; rest 60
5-12lbs DB