BCF Main – CrossFit
Main WOD
A: Metcon (Time)
As a 2 person team
1 person runs 400m
2nd person does AMRAP pull ups
3 rounds each for total reps (1 sec each)
Score is time – reps
B: Metcon (Time)
As a 2 person team
1 person rows 500m
2nd person does AMRAP back squats
3 rounds each for total reps
Score is time
Competition WOD
A: Metcon (No Measure)
Floor drills
Glute band activation
Couch stretch
B: Snatch (From blocks, add 5-10#)
Build to a single adding 5-10# from last week. Then do 3 x 2 at 30# less
C: Front squat / jerk combo (Add 5-10# from last week)
2 front squats + 1 jerk
Start at 80%
D: Deadlift (From a 4″ deficit , 4 x 5, add if possible)
E: Metcon (No Measure)
Take 10-15 min and work on MU / bar MU / Pull ups / HS walks/holds
S-A: Strict Press (Press 65%x5 75%x3 85%xAMRAP 65% 5xAMRAP)
S-: Metcon (Weight)
Single Arm DB press Alternating Arms
5×10; rest 60 seconds
Heavier than last week
Barbell Chinese Rows
5×8; rest 2 minutes AHAP
Heavier than last week
Overhead Dumbell Tricep Extensions 100 reps NOT for time, for Pump
Heavier than last week