
BCF Main – CrossFit

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Main WOD

A: Front Squat (5-3-1 ; 5-3-1 box squat , wave load)

B: Metcon (Time)

2oom run

5/3 MU (1 min or less efforts)

1 snatch 135/95

5 rounds for time

18 min cap- scale to finish

Scaling for MU

10 transitions or

10 C2B pull up + 10 push ups

Competition WOD

A: Metcon (No Measure)

Row/run/AD 5 min

Foam roll 5 min

2 x 10 wall slides

2 x 10 band pull aparts

2 x 5 explosive pull aparts

B1: Bench Press (2 x 15-20 ; super set with B2)

B2: Shoulder shockers (3 x 10 )

Video coming soon

C1: Strict pull ups (3 x 15 super set with C2)

Maintain hollow position

C2: Behind the Neck Press (3 x 15)

Press from back rack.

D1: Ring Dips (3 x 15 super set with D2)

D2: Ring Rows (3 x 15 Supine ring pull up)

E: Metcon (Time)

400m run x 4 @ 80-85%

Rest 30s b/t reps

Run @ 70% b/t sets , 3 sets


S-A: Strict Press (S-A. Build to a Heavy Press in 20 minutes )

S-B: Back Squat (Build to a Heavy 3 rep Back Squat in 20 minutes)

S-C: Metcon (Time)

S-C. Sled Drag 20 minutes or Airdyne 20 minutes

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