Girls Gone Wild! Get signed up!
BCF Main – CrossFit
Main WOD
A: GPP rope/DU/T2B (No Measure)
3 sets not for time of
1-2 rope climbs 20/15′
30-40 DUs
12-15 T2B
B: Metcon (3 Rounds for time)
3 sets each for times of
25/20 cal row
8 thusters 115/75
6 burpee over bar
Full effort
Rest 5 min b/t
Competition WOD
A: Shoulder Press (Build to a 3 rep max in 15 min)
B: Behind neck push press (Build to a 3 rep max in 15 min)
Start and recover behind neck
C: Metcon (Time)
500m row
30 wall ball 25/16
25 T2B
15 deadlift 275/195
10 burpee over bar
15 deadlift
25 T2B
30 wall ball
500m row
24 min cap….scale as needed to finish