Painful Eight In House Competition! August 6th! Sign up now – registration will close on June 30th! Use the link and select the Painful Eight Competition
BCF Main – CrossFit
Main WOD
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
AMRAP 17 of
50 cal row
50 wallball 20/14
50 S2OH 115/85
50 Box jumps 24/20
45-49 – 105/75 S2OH
50-54 – 95/65 S2OH
Bench Press (5 x 5 @ 70% , super set with DB press)
DB Floor Press (5 x 5 @ 31X1 , with bench)
Competition WOD
Metcon (Time)
Main WOD metcon
3 position snatch (Reps as follows)
high hang
mid hang
60% x 3 ; 65% x 3 ; 75% x 3