

***Come support Coach Hayley at the 2016 CrossFit Regionals!
May 20-22 – class will be canceled on Sunday 5/22 so we can all go watch her!
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BCF Main – CrossFit

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Main WOD

Isabel (Time)

For Time: 30 Snatches, 135# / 95#
Time cap – 8 min

Deadlift (5 x 5 @ 60%)

Pull up complex

Perform the following in 10 min

1 strict pull up

1 kip pull up

1 strict C2B

1 kip C2B

Build by 1 rep per set until fail

Scale – ring row x 8

Feet on box

arms perpendicular to floor

torso horizontal

Metcon (No Measure)

Accessory work

5 x 10 bench BW

5 x 10 fat bar curls

Super set , rest 30s / rest 2 min

Competition WOD

Clean and Jerk (Build to a max in 20 min)

Metcon (Time)

Heavy Grace

30 reps of

Clean / jerk

185 / 135

power clean / power jerk OK

Metcon (Time)

1k cooldown row


10 x 30s row @ 90-95% + 6 BF C2B

Rest 90s b/t

Score is time across sets

Categories: WOD

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