Level Testing
Why do level testing? Levels of performance help athletes know where they are and what areas they need to work on. If you want to be well-rounded level testing can help you achieve just that. Level Requirements
Passing this level should be achievable by most athletes who are new to CrossFit training and have no physical limitations, within the first six months of training. All areas must be passed (minus the highlighted movements) to move on to Silver.
The Test for the Bronze athlete consists of Strength, Various Skills, Metabolic Conditioning (work capacity) Knowledge, and Responsibility. Printable Scorecard
All healthy athletes can aspire to achieve this level of fitness. It this level, basic movements are perfected and advanced skills are introduced. This level may take anywhere from six months to several years to achieve. As you are working towards Silver Level you will develop and improve in all 10 of the fitness domains Cardiovascular and Respiratory Endurance, Stamina, Strength, Flexibility, Power, Speed, Coordination, Agility, Balance, and Accuracy. All areas must be passed to move (minus the highlighted movement) on to the Gold Level.
The Test for the Silver athlete consists of Strength, Various Skills, Metabolic Conditioning (work capacity) Knowledge, and Responsibility.
Gold athletes are proficient in all movements and have built the strength and work capacity to a general fitness level appropriate for those who depend on their fitness, such as competitive athletes, military, and first-responders. Passing the Gold test may take anywhere between one year to several years of consistent training to achieve and may not be achievable by all athletes. All areas must be passed to achieve this level.