
Main – CrossFit

Remember to be strict on your tempo
4 counts down , hold 1at bottom , fast up , hold 1 at top

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Main WOD

M-1: Front Squat (3 x 5 @ 41X1 ; rest 2 b/t ; 50-55% max)

AD/burpee/PC (3 Rounds for time)

3 sets each for times of
10 cal AD
8 burpees
6 power cleans 115/80
Rest 4 min b/t

Competition WOD

2 position snatch (Build to a heavy single in 15 min)

1 rep from above knee + 1 rep from floor

Snatch (Snatch cluster 2.2.2 x 3 ; build over sets)

AD/burpee/PC (3 Rounds for time)

3 sets each for times of
10 cal AD
8 burpees
6 power cleans 115/80
Rest 4 min b/t


SW-A: DB Box Jump – Deadlift Position (3 x 2)

Start from a dead stop deadlift position with dumbbells hanging by sides, then perform a box jump.
*Use this as a warm up, dont go heavy.
**60 sec rest b/t.

SW-B: Deadlift (1 RM in 3-8 sets)

At least 3 heavy sets, at most 8 to find 1 RM.

SW-C: RDL (1 x 20 @ 50% of today’s 1RM)

Romanian Deadlift

SW-D: Glute-Ham Raises (5 x 5)

SW-E: Hanging Leg Raise (4 x 6)

Add weight with medicine ball between feet.

Categories: WOD

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