BCF Main – CrossFit
Main WOD
Back Squat (3 x 8 , add 10#)
Front Squat (Build to a 3 rep in 3 attempts ( 10 min))
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
AMRAP 8 of
5 Burpee box jump 24/20
10 alt OH lunges 45/25
Pull-ups (3 x max rep)
Competition WOD
Front Squat (3 x 5 @ 41X1 , add 10# )
Clean (Build to a heavy in 15 min)
Clean (EMOM 8 x 2 reps @ 80% of today)
Metcon (Time)
3 rounds for time of
25 KB swing full 70/53
15 C2B pull ups
Accessory Work
Toes-To-Bar (Clusters X.X.X.X – 3 sets)
Start each set with 1 min
of AB @ hard effort
Rest 3-4 min b/t sets