
Main – CrossFit

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Main WOD

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

Tabata air squats

Front Squat (3 x 5 @ 41X1 ; add10# )

Power Clean (Build to heavy in 10 min )

Metcon (No Measure)

Power clean EMOM
10 X 3 reps @ 75%

Competition WOD

C-1: Skill – dip (No Measure)

3 sets not for time
10 ring dips
15 T2B
20 alt pistols
40 DUs


SW-A: Power Clean (1 x 3 @ 60%, 1 x 3 @ 70%, 1 x 3 @ 80%)

*This is both warm up for your deadlifts and maintenance for your power cleans.

SW-B: Deadlift (5 RM in 3-5 sets above 75% 1 RM)

SW-C: RDL (1 x 20 @ 50%+ of DL 1RM)

Romanian Deadlift
*Set is as fast as you can move the weight from just below knee to full extension for 20 reps. The goal is under 30 sec.
**If you completed your set of 20 in under 30 sec last week, add 5-10 lbs. Otherwise, start with 50% of your 1RM.

SW-D1: Weighted Single Leg Glute Bridge (4 x 8)

Add weight with DB or BB across hips. The axle bar works well for this.

SW-D2: Glute-Ham Raises (4 x 6)

SW-E: Hanging Leg Raise (3 x 9)

Add weight with medicine ball between feet.

Power Snatch (nBuild to a heavy single)


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