
Hey BCF’ers we wanted to let you know that Christian will no longer be group coaching at Beaverton CrossFit. We want to thank him for all he has done and wish him well on his next adventure. Christian made an impact on many here at BCF and we feel fortunate for the time he spent coaching here. He will continue to program the SWOD for all you loyal SWOD’ers and you may see him here working with athletes one on one.

We will be organizing a social where you share your thanks and well wishes to Christian. Keep your eye on Facebook and the website for more information on time and place. 


Main – CrossFit

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Main WOD

Front Squat (3 x 6 ; 65-70% ; rest 2 b/t)

Bar Dips (3 x 12 ; rest 90s b/t)

Dips on a static bar.

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

AMRAP 8 of
5 box jump
7 KB swing 70/53
9 T2B

Competition WOD

Muscle-ups (10 x 1 strict ; rest 2 b/t )

If you dont have strict then work kipping
Also work on high hips and quick turn over on kipping

2 position snatch (Cluster 1.1.1 ; 5 sets ; rest 2 b/t)

1 rep from above knee + 1 rep from floor

2 position clean (Build to a heavy in 6 working sets)

1 from above knee
1 from floor

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

AMRAP 8 of
5 box jumps
7 KB sw 70/53
9 T2B


SW-A: Pull-ups (Sadiv – 10 Min)

*Each rep performed as fast as possible during concentric and lowered under control to passive hang before dropping.
**Single reps only.
***If you hit over 30 reps last time, add 5-10 lbs this time.

SW-B: Handstand Push-ups (Sadiv – 10 Min)

*Each rep consists of controlled lowering portion of movement to explosive but strict concentric portion.
**Single reps only.
***If you hit over 30 reps, add a 1-2″ deficit to the movement.
****Sub 5 sets of maintainable reps pike push ups if you do not have strict, full range HSPU.

SW-C1: Elbows Out Ring Rows (4 x 10)

Ring rows done with elbows @ 90 degrees. Scale with degree of incline.
*Alternate b/t C1 & C2.

SW-C2: Bar Dips (4 x 10)

Dips on a static bar.
*Alternate b/t C1 & C2.
**Add weight if possible.

SW-D1: Bar Hang (3 x Maintainable times)

Hang from a pull up bar.
*Goal is to eventually be able to get multiple 2 minute sets.
**Alternate b/t D1 & D2.

SW-D2: Wall Facing Handstand Hold (3 x Maintainable times)

Handstand hold while facing wall. Ideally with hands as close as possible, chest, thighs and nose touching wall while maintaining hollow body.
*Goal is to eventually be able to get multiple 2 minute sets.
**Alternate b/t D1 & D2.

Categories: WOD

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