
Main – CrossFit

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Main WOD

M-1: Front Squat (3 x 5 @ 70% + Add 10# from last week)

M-2: Pull-ups (EMOM 10 of 4-6 strict ; or kip/rows)

M-3: Metcon (3 Rounds for reps)

3 x 30s max rep burpees

Rest 2:30 between

Competition WOD

C-1: 3 x 3 sn + oh (3 sets , build over sets)

3 power snatch + 3 OHS

C-2: Metcon (Time)

3 rounds of

400m run

10 wall walks

C-3: Muscle-ups (EMOM 5 of 2 – 5 MU)


SW-A: Strict pull ups (Sadiv – 10 min)

Maintain hollow position
*If you have strict muscle-ups, you can sub those for the pull ups.

**Add weight if you hit 30+ reps last time.

***Pull as fast as possible from hang to top.

SW-B: Handstand Push-ups (Sadiv – 10 min)

SW-C1: Parallette Push Ups (3 x MR)

SW-C2: Feet Elevated Ring Rows (3 X MR)

Ring rows done with feet elevated off the ground.

SW-D: Band Pull Aparts (3 X :20 sec AMRep)

Categories: WOD

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