Main – CrossFit
Main WOD
M-1: Front Squat (1-1-1-1 ; build to a 1 RM)
M-2: Metcon (Time)
21-15-9 of
Hang power snatch 95/65
Box jumps 24/20
10 min cap
We will run this in 2 waves….
M-3: 1k row -cooldown @ 70% (No Measure)
Competition WOD
C-1: Skill work / rope (No Measure)
3 sets not for time
2-3 rope climbs 15′
10m HS walk
3-5 MU
50 DUs
C-2: Front Squat (Build to a heavy single in 6 sets quick)
C-3: Power clean + power jerk (Clusters – 2.2.2 ; 4 sets ; build)
Focus on good catch position and good dip/drive position
C-4: Metcon (3 Rounds for time)
250m row
15 KB swing full OH 70/53
15 wall ball 30/20
Rest 4 min
3 sets each for times
S-A: Back Squat (Back Squat 2×8 @65%; rest 2 minutes)
S-B: Bulgarian Split Squats (Bulgarian Split Squat 4×12; rest 60 seconds AHAP ()
S-C: Jumping Back Squats (Jumping Back Squats 5×10 @25% 1RM; rest 1 minute)
S-D: Ab Wheel Roll Outs (Ab wheel roll-outs 5×10; rest 60 seconds)
*From knees or feet. Choose the hardest difficulty for number of reps.
**Use a wall as a stop for scaling.