Mike, Christine, Duchess & The BCF Team – CrossFit
Main WOD
A: Front Squat (Build to a heavy triple in 15 min)
B: Metcon (3 Rounds for time)
20/15 cal row
12 box jumps 24/20
6 power cleans 165/115
Rest 4 min b/t sets
3 sets
Effort should be 90%+
C: Pavel complex
Work on your progression
Competition WOD
A: Front Squat (EMOM 6 x 3 reps ; build over sets)
B: Push Press (EMOM 6 x 3 reps ; build over sets)
C: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
From 0-4:00 min
2 rounds of
10 cal row
10 thruster 95/65
2 rounds of
12 cal row
12 thrusters
2 rounds of
14 cal row
14 thrusters
Continue on a 4 min clock until fail
C: Muscle-ups (Take 10 min and work on efficiency)
S-: Back Squat (S-A. Back Squat 55%x5 65%x5 75%xAMRAP )
S-: Back Squat (55% 5xAMRAP in 90 seconds reps)
S-: Metcon (Weight)
Skater Squats 5×8/side; rest 90 add weight if possible
5 sets:
Broad Jumps x5; rest 60 seconds
Hollow Rock x 120 seconds; rest 60 seconds