

Independence Day Schedule!!!
One awesome class at 9 AM on Saturday the 4th!

BCF Main – CrossFit

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Main WOD

A: 1k row (No Measure)

B: Deadlift (Establish a 1RM for today)

Warm up sets should include higher volume at lighter weight…i.e. 40% x 10 , 50% x 8, 60% x 5, 70% x 3 , once you hit 70-75% move to singles and rest 3 min b/t

C: Strict pull ups (3 x 12-15)

Maintain hollow position

D: GHD Situps (3 x 20 ; rest 2 b/t)

Competition WOD

A: Split Jerk (Build to 80% x 5)

B: Snatch (Build to 80% x 5)

C: Clean (Build to 80% x 5)

D: Metcon (5 Rounds for time)

5 x 400m run

200m @ 90%

200m @ 70%

Rest 2 b/t

Categories: WOD

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