
BCF Main – CrossFit

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Main WOD

A: Back Squat (3 x 5 @ 70% , rest 2 b/t – 15 min)

B: Deadlift (3 x 5 @ 70% , rest 2 b/t – 15 min)

C: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

AMRAP 8 of

8 thrusters 100/70

8 C2B pull ups

Rx+ – 115/80 UB


Competition WOD

A: Hang Power Snatch (Build to a 3 rep in 15 min)

B: Metcon (3 Rounds for time)

3 sets each for times of

30-25 cal AD / 25-20 assault

15 hang power snatch 95/65


Rest 3 min b/t

C: Toes-To-Bar (Clusters 5.5.5 x 3 ; add from last)

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