
BCF Main – CrossFit

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Main WOD

Jackie (Time)

For Time:

1000m Row

50 Thrusters, 45#

30 Pull-ups

30 squat cleans for time (1 x 30)

Men – 225#

Women – 135#
Men scale options

205 / 185 / 155

Women scale options

115 / 95 / 75

This workout should be taxing and take between 6-10 min

Competition WOD

Clean pulls (5 x 1 , build as needed)

1 clean high pull, then

eccentric lower 3s to knee

1 hang clean, then 5s lower to floor, then

1 clean

Start @ 75-80%

Press series (Build over sets x 4 sets)

press x 3

push press x 3

push jerk x 3

Metcon (Time)

21-15-9 of

Burpee box jumps

Thrusters 105/70

Back Squat (3 x 10 @ 65%)

Categories: WOD

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