Trainer’s Talk – The Games

My games experience, lessons learned and what’s next….


At the beginning of the year I had set a few goals, like many of you. One of them was to get to Games in 2012, this for me was a short term goal.  After a hard fought

competition during the Open I ended up tied for 10th.  I had made it to the Games! Mission accomplished, right? Wrong. There was something about going that made me want to do more than just show up. These guys were bad-ass and deserved to be fought against, no sand bagging allowed. Little did I know how tough these guys were.  I was hoping to make the top 12 cut-off and missed it by 1 spot. It all comes down to me missing that opening lift, a critical error on my part. (Apparently my ability to do math went away). Lesson learned. Do math and don’t panic under the bar.


Another part of the Games was meeting all the incredible athletes, support crew and seeing some crazy fit people older than me. Guys and gals in their 60s just crushing WODs, crazy and highly motivating! Competing under the sun in front of tons of

people was awesome. I know many of you were cheering me on via the laptop, thanks so much for being there. As for the small handful of people that came to see me

compete, thanks even more, no small task to drag up and spend a few days in Carson watching others compete. It was always good to see friendly faces in the crowd.


It’s not the quantity of friends, but the quality…lesson re-learned.


Training and competing is tough. You need to stick to plans, train on days you may not want to, give up certain things and stay very focused. Sound familiar? It’s kind of what you guys do all the time. This also helps us to stay on track, you guys showing up every day and giving your all. If you can do it, then so can we. You are all very motivating to me and I think about how you guys suffer through some tough WODs each day here at BCF, this helped me get through some tough training days, so thanks.


Bryan and I plan on continuing to train for competitions both local and Games, so you will all benefit from this. Having coaches versed in

competition will allow us to better program for you. We understand what it takes, mentally and physically to get it done. We can relate to good days and bad. We will help you along your journey, whether it’s to just get fit, to be better at another sport or to compete in Crossfit.  We are better as coaches because of our collective experiences and this will make you better as well.


I look forward to another year at the box, setting new goals, helping you all achieve yours, and growing our great community. Cheers!