11/24 – Thanksgiving – 9:00 AM class ONLY
11/25 – Post Turkey Burner – 10:00 AM class ONLY
12/4 – 7th Annual Wishing on a WOD – Donate online here
12/17 – Annual BCF Holiday Party – 6 to 11 PM – email Mel to RSVP
2/4 – 3rd Annual Valentine’s Day Massacre Competition – sign up today!
BCF Main – CrossFit
Main WOD
A: Deadlift (3 x 3 @ 80%+)
B: Metcon (3 Rounds for time)
3 sets each for times of
400m run
10 hang power cleans 95/65
5/3 MU
Rest 3 min b/t sets
Rx+ – 115/75
Competition WOD
A: Power Clean (Reps as follows)
EMOM until fail x 2
Men start – 165#
Ladies – 115#
1 rep each min until you fail loft twice
Add 10# each set
B: Metcon (Time)
5 rounds of
10 C2B pull ups
10 Burpees
Immediately into
5 rounds of
10 deadlifts 225/155
10 Box jumps 30/24
For time
C: Toes-To-Bar (Clusters x 3 , as many as possible)
Accessory Work
AA: Bottoms Up Kb Press (3 x 8/arm @ 31X1)
Kb press with the Kb upside down.