
Main – CrossFit

Teen Barbell @ 3:30pm during school year

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Main WOD

Front Squat (3 x 5 @ 41X1 ; add 10#)

Bench Press (3 x 5 @ 41X1 ; add 5-10#)

Dip / pull up complex

10-1 descending ladder

Competition WOD

Snatch Balance (Build to a moderate)

Snatch (Build to a moderate / heavy)

Snatch (Clusters 1.1.1 ; rest 10s / rest 2-3 min ; 70%)

Ring dips / strict pull up ladder

10 – 1 descending ladder

Metcon (Time)

50-40-30-20-10 of
Row cals
For time


SW-A: Weighted Pull-ups (Sadiv Set – 10 Minutes)

*10 Minutes to get as many single, fast pull ups as possible. Add weight once you are past 30 reps.

SW-B: Handstand Push-ups (Sadiv Set – 10 Minutes)

*10 Minutes as many single, fast reps as possible.
**If you don’t have HSPU yet, sub 5 sets of maintainable reps of pike push ups (pushing yourself back towards your feet AND up, not just upwards like a standard push up.). Feet can be on ground or box.

SW-C1: Banded Push Ups (4 x 7-9)

Put each end of a band in your hands, wrap around your back (so it adds resistance) and perform push ups for reps.

SW-C2: Elbows Out Ring Rows (4 x 10)

Ring rows done with elbows @ 90 degrees. Scale with degree of incline.

SW-D: Bar Hang (3 Sets of Maintainable Hang Times)

Hang from a pull up bar.
Passive/relaxed hangs.

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