Main – CrossFit
Main WOD
Bench Press (3 x 8 @ 65%…fast and no risk of fail)
Metcon (6 Rounds for time)
400m x 6
Rest 2 b/t
Bar Dips (3 x 12 ; rest 2 b/t)
Dips on a static bar.
Competition WOD
Metcon (3 Rounds for time)
2k row for time ; rest 5 min
1k row for time ; rest 3 min
500m row for time
One running clock, entire workout for one time, post each set
Strict Toes-To-Bar (3 x 10 ; rest as needed to go UB)
Back Squat (5 x 10 @ 60%)
SW-A: Box Jump (3 x 5)
Non-weighted box jump.
*Give yourself a target to shoot for, something slightly higher than what you can land on fully extended.
**Rest 60 sec b/t sets.
SW-B: Back Squat (5-4-3-2-1)
*First set should be @ ~80% of your max, then add weight for each consecutive set, reps go down by one each so aim for adding 2-3% or 5-10 lbs each.
**It’s not necessary to hit a max for this scheme but if you feel good, go for it!
SW-C: Power Snatch (3 x 3)
*Rest 120 sec b/t.
SW-D1: Single Leg Deadlift (3 x 8)
Deadlift done with 1 leg. Can use either a barbell, dumbbells or kettlebells to add weight.
SW-D2: Ab Wheel Roll Outs (3 x 5-10 w/ 3 count pause @ extension)
*From knees or feet. Choose the hardest difficulty for number of reps.
**Use a wall as a stop for scaling.
SW-E: Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
If you have time:
5 Minutes to get as many GHD Raises as possible.