
Main – CrossFit

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Main WOD

A: 3 x 3 OH press complex (4 sets ; rest 2-3 b/t)

3 strict press

3 push press

3 push/split jerk

No rest b/t

Build to AHAP

B: Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

EMOM 8 of

6 alt OH lunges 45/25

6 burpee to plate

C1: Bar Dips (3 x 12…..super set with C2)

Dips on a static bar.

C2: GHD Situps (3 x 12-15…rotate back to C1)

Competition WOD

A: Weighted Pull-ups (5 – 3 -1 ; build to a heavy)

After 1 rep max, rest 2 min then complete 2 sets max rep UB pull ups , rest 2 min b/t

B: Front Squat (5 x 2 , build to max for today)

C: Metcon (Time)

3 rounds of

20 alt lunges 45/25

20 T2B

D: Metcon (Time)

30-20-10 S2OH

Men 95/115/135

Ladies 65/85/95

10 – 7 -5 MU-Men

5 – 3 – 1 – Ladies


S-: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


Bench Press




55% 3xAMRAP in 2 minutes; rest 2-3 minutes


Ring Dips

5xAMRAP in 90 Seconds; rest 60 seconds


Dumbell Bench Press 5×10; rest 2 minutes AHAP


3x100m Farmer Carry; rest 60 seconds AHAP

Categories: WOD

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