BCF Main – CrossFit
Main WOD
A: Sage at 20 (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
AMRAP 20 of
20 thrusters 135/95
20 pull ups
20 burpees
You should be able to do 5 thrusters UB at working weight Scale to achieve this
Competition WOD
A: lower body warm up 3 (No Measure)
a. 5 min easy Row/Bike/Run
b. Foam Roll and Stretch Tight Areas
c. 2 x 10 Core Rollouts
d. 2 x 20 double leg hip ups + 10 each leg single leg hip ups
e. 2 x 10 Band Resisted Squats – 3 pause below parallel
f. 2 x 5 Knee Jumps
B: Power Clean (5 x 2 @ 75/80/85/90/90%)
C: Front Squat (establish a 1RM with following reps)
3 min rest after sets above 75%
8, 5, 3, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1
45%, 55%, 65%, 75%, 85%, 90%, 95%, Max
D: Front Squat (5 x 2 @ 85%)
E: Metcon (Weight)
3a. 4×2 Deadlift @ 90%
3b. 4×3 Reverse Lunge @ 52.5% Back Squat 1RM
3c. 4×3 – GHR AHAP
S-A: Bench Press (Bench Press 65%x5 75%x3 85%xAMRAP 65% 4xAMRAP)
S-: Metcon (Weight)
S-B. Push Press 5×5 AHAP
5 Sets:
Pendlay Rows x 10 reps AHAP
800m Farmer Carry