Main – CrossFit
Main WOD
M-1: 3 x 3 OH press complex (5 sets ; build over sets)
3 strict press
3 push press
3 push/split jerk
No rest b/t
Build to AHAP
M-2: Squat Clean Thruster (Build to a heavy)
Competition WOD
C-1: Metcon (3 Rounds for time)
3 sets each for times
50m sled push 120/70
10 C/J 115/80
50m sled push
10 ring dips
Rest 6 min b/t rounds
Set up so you are close to door after 2nd sled push
C-2: Metcon (No Measure)
EMOM 20 of
7 DL 315 – odd
10 C2B pull up – even
SW-A: DB Box Jump – Deadlift Position (1 Every :30 sec for 6 Min)
Start from a dead stop deadlift position with dumbbells hanging by sides, then perform a box jump.
SW-B: Box Squat Box Jump (1 Every :30 sec for 6 Minutes)
Squat to a box, pause, then jump to another box.
Use weight vest.
SW-C: Front and Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat (5 x 7 (Each Leg))
Split squat where the rear foot and front foot are both elevated.
*Try to go from a larger deficit than last time.
SW-D: RDL (1 x 20 AFAP @ Heavier than before.)
Romanian Deadlift
*Goal is under :30 sec & unbroken. Once you achieve that, move up in weight.
SW-E: Weighted GHD Sit Up (4 x 6)
Weighted GHD sit up with bar in back rack (ideally) or with weight on chest.