Main – CrossFit
Great work on yesterday’s training
Lots of solid efforts
I love seeing that…
Main WOD
Bench Press (3 x 5 @ 41X1 ; keep it light and tight)
Metcon (Time)
30 DUs
25 T2B
20 push press 95/65
15 cal AD
10 burpees
5 C2B pull up
3 rounds for time
The push press is a strict PP…no jerks
Competition WOD
Metcon (Time)
Oly week 11 , then do Main WOD
SW: Metcon (Time)
A – Iron Scap – 2 x Through
B – 10 Rounds of:
200 m Run
100 m Walk
10 Moderate Wt Russian Kb Swings
10 Reverse Sit Ups