
BCF Main – CrossFit

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Main WOD

Skill Work

A: Push Press (10-12 min practice)

Main WOD

B: Sumo Deadlift (Build to a 5 rep in 15 min)

C: Metcon (Time)

For time

100 DUs

25 OH squats 75/55

80 DUs

20 OH squats

60 DUs

15 OH squats

40 DUs

10 OH squats

20 DUs

5 OH squats

Rx+ – 105/70

Competition WOD

A: Back Squat (Clusters 5.5.5 x 3 , rest 30/rest 3 min)

B: Shoulder Press ( 5 x 3 , moderate heavy)

C: Push Press (5 x 3 , heavy)

D: Metcon (5 Rounds for time)

5 sets each for times

20s AB

5 power cleans 155/105

5 box jumps 30/24

Rest 4 min b/t

Accessory Work

AA: GHD Situps (3 x 25 , weighted if possible)

AB: Hip extensions (3 x 25 , super set with “A”)

Face down on GHD, neutral spine and tight mid line Hip free to flex and extend

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