
Main – CrossFit

Welcome Drew!! We are all excited to get to know you and have you as a coach.

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Main WOD

Push Jerk (EMOM 6 x 3 reps 115/75)

The focus today is speed under bar and achieving full lock out upon receiving the bar ….

Metcon (Time)

1000m row
90 DUs / 300 singles
80 Wall ball
70 Pull ups/jumping pull ups
60 KB swings 53/35
50 T2B / V ups
40 Goblet squats KB
20 Box jumps 24/20
10 MU / (5 bar 5 ring) C2B
Time cap = 25 min….scale to finish
Set yourself up for success!

Competition WOD

Metcon (Time)

21-15-9 of
power snatch
21 @ 95/65
15 @ 115/80
9 @ 135/95
Do as many HSPU strict as possible then kip…

Bench Press (3 x 8 @ 65%)

Metcon (3 Rounds for reps)

3 sets each for max reps in 3 min
24 KB swings 70/53
16 Walking lunges KB
8 MU / C2B
Rest 4 min b/t


Either make up a day you missed or do the following:

SW-A: Metcon (Time)

Prehab Work
A) Iron Scap
B) 3 x 20 Single Leg Glute Bridges
C) 2 x 20 Two Leg Glute Bridges
D) 3 x 10 X Band/Cowboy Walks (Each direction)

E) 10 Round or 25 min (Whichever comes first) Tempo Run @ 70-75%:
200 M Run
100 M Walk
10 Slam Balls
10 Kb Swings
60 Lateral Jump Rope Jumps

Categories: WOD

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