Main – CrossFit
Main WOD
M-1: GPP skill Not for Time (No Measure)
12 T2B
10 pistols
30 DUs
2-5 MU
3 sets
M-2: Bench Press (3-2-1-1-1 ; 80/85/90/95/PR)
M-3: Metcon (Time)
50 burpee box jumps 24/20
For time
Competition WOD
C-1: Comp skill work (No Measure)
15-20 T2B
10m HS walk
50 DUs
3-5 MU
C-2: Bench Press (3-2-1-1-1)
C-3: Clean and Jerk complex 2 (Build over sets ; 8 sets)
1 PC
2 SJ
Keep this on the lighter side….80%-ish
Focus on speed under on clean and solid lockout on jerk
S-A: Deadlift (2×10 @65%; rest 2 minutes)
S-B: Sumo Deadlift (2×10; rest 2 minutes moderate weight)
S-C: Chinese Rows (4×10 @21X1; rest 2 minutes moderate weight)