Main – CrossFit
Main WOD
M-1: Burgener Warm-up (No Measure)
1. Down and “Finish”
2. Elbows High and Outside
3. Muscle Snatch
4. Snatch Lands at 2″, 4″, 6″
5. Snatch Drops
1. Snatch Push Press
2. Overhead Squat
3. Heaving Snatch Balance
4. Snatch Balance without a dip
5. Snatch Balance with a dip
M-2: 3 position snatch (Focus on form and speed – 8-10 min)
high hang
mid hang
M-3: Snatch (Build to a heavy in 15 min)
M-4: Metcon (1 Rounds for time)
3 sets each for times
20 cal row
6 power snatch 115/80
Rest 4 min b/t
Competition WOD
C-1: Snatch complex warm up (No Measure)
BTN press x 3
Snatch grip press x 3
OH squat x 3
Snatch balance x 3
3 position snatch x 3 each
Use empty bar
C-2: 2 position snatch (Build to a heavy in 20 min)
1 rep from above knee + 1 rep from floor
C-3: 2 position snatch (Clusters 1.1.1 ; rest 20s / rest 2 min ; 3 sets)
1 rep from above knee + 1 rep from floor
1st working set @ 70%ish of part 2
C-4: Metcon (3 Rounds for time)
3 sets for times of
20 cal AD
8 power snatches 95/65
4 box jumps 30/24
Rest 4 b/t
S-A: Deadlift (60/70/80% x 3)
S-A2: Deadlift (5 x 8 @ 60% ; rest 2-3 min)
S-B: Front Squat (4 x 6 ; heavier than last week ; rest 2 min)
S-C: RDL (4 x 8 ; rest 60s ; heavier than last week)
Romanian Deadlift