

Don’t forget! Bod Pod dates have been changed to next week! Email Mel with any questions!
Early morning peeps! There is a survey on the whiteboard… what if we had a 5:30 am and a 6:30 am class? Who could come to what? Who does that not work for? Just trying to get some feedback!

BCF Main – CrossFit

View Public Whiteboard

Main WOD

A: Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

Amrap in 5 min

Row = 1 rep

500m row

50 DUs

40 KB sw 53/35

30 Thrusters 95/65

20 Burpees

10 Box jump 30/24

Rest 5 min, then B

B: Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

Amrap in 7 min

Row = 1 rep

500m row

50 DUs

40 KB sw 53/35

30 Thrusters 95/65

20 Burpees

10 Box jump 30/24

Rest 5 min then C

C: Metcon (Time)

Row = 1 rep

500m row

50 DUs

40 KB sw 53/35

30 Thrusters 95/65

20 Burpees

10 Box jump 30/24

For time

Competition WOD

W: Metcon (No Measure)

Warm up

Down and back with the following

Knee pull

Quad pull

Lateral lunge


Scizzor kick


B: Halting clean (5 x 2 , rest 90s-120s ; add 5-10# last week)

3 sec pause at knee

C: Back Squat (4 x 8 , add 10# last week ; rest 2 min)

D: Push Jerk (5 x 2 , add 5-10# last week)

E: Wide grip pull ups / HSPU (2 x 10 each)

2-3 sets of 10 each

F: Back extensions (30s holds x 3 sets)


S-A: Deadlift (Deadlift 55%x5 65%x5 75%x5 55% 5×10 reps)

S-: Metcon (Calories)


Front Squat 4×8; rest 2 minutes AHAP (as heavy as possible)


Romanian Deadlifts 3×15; rest 60 seconds Light to Mderate Load


5 sets:

10 Back Extensions; rest 30 seconds

90 second Plank Hold; rest 30 seconds

Categories: WOD

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