BCF Main – CrossFit
Main WOD
A: Metcon (Time)
21-15 9 of
Dead lift 275/205
Box jump 30/24
B: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds)
“Death by”…..
Muscle up or 2:1 C2B pull up / pull up
Perform 1 rep on min 1 , 2 reps on min 2, etc until you can no longer get reps needed in that min
Competition WOD
A: Snatch Balance (Build to a 2 rep @ 75% of snatch)
B: HSPU / ring dip EMOM (10 min alt )
Alternating minutes of
8 Ring dips
Strict is preferred, kip if failing
C: Deadlift box jump (Time)
21-15 9 of
Dead lift 275/205
Box jump 30/24