Independence Day Schedule!!!
One awesome class at 9 AM on Saturday the 4th!
BCF Main – CrossFit
Main WOD
A: Front Squat (establish a 1RM front squat)
B: Metcon (Time)
With a partner complete the folowing
30 power snatch 115/75
30 power clean push jerk
Alternate reps 1:1
Competition WOD
A: Metcon (No Measure)
Rotate through the following exercises for form not fatigue for 30-40 minutes
-10 meters front roll
-2x Ring pull to invert skin the cat pull back through
-10 meters handstand roll out
-10 straight leg good form ring swings
-15 second tuck support on rings
-10 kipping hspu
-10 deep ring support swings (bottom of dip swings)
-2x ring pull to invert pike, cast out to back swing then muscle up (or scale with pull to chest… superb form with wrist band between ankles
B: Metcon (No Measure)
30 min easy run/row/AD