
BCF Main – CrossFit

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Main WOD

A: Deadlift (Build to a heavy 3 rep in 15-20 min)

B: Boxjump-pullup (Time)

21-15-9 of

Box jump 30/24

C2B pull ups

8 min cap Scale to finish

Competition WOD

A: Metcon (Time)

12-9-6 of

Thruster 135/95

C2B pull up

Box jump 34/28

Time cap – 8 min

B: Metcon (No Measure)

Rotate through the following exercises for form not fatigue for 30-40 minutes

-10 arch hollows on bar

-15 second L sit on parallettes

-5 pull overs on bar

-15 second floor level ring shoulder stand

-3x straddle switch on parallettes

-3x Pull to invert lower through front lever as

slowly as possible on rings

-30 second side scale right

-30 second side scale left

-5 bar muscle ups (scale with 5 alternating TTB and CTB/standard pull ups)

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