

Upcoming Events! Mark your calendars!

Saturday Feb 13 – Valentine’s Day Massacre

Keep getting your Wishing on a WOD pledges! Money needs to be in no later than 12/28!

BCF Main – CrossFit

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Main WOD

A: December Monthly challenge (Weight)

AMRAP 5 of

Squat clean thrusters for max weight moved overhead

Ladies – 45/75/105#

Men – 95/135/165

B: Dip / pull up complex (Rest only enough to recover for UB sets)

10-1 descending ladder

C: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

AMRAP 12 of


6 MU / 12 C2B + 12 pushup

3 C/J 185/125

Rx+ – All HSPU/MU must be UB

C/J 205/135

Competition WOD

A: December Monthly challenge (Weight)

AMRAP 5 of

Squat clean thrusters for max weight moved overhead

Ladies – 45/75/105#

Men – 95/135/165

B: Snatch (1 x 70/75/80/85/85%, rest 90s+ b/t)

C: Clean and Jerk (1 x 70/75/80/85/85%)

D: Hip extensions (3 x 5 weighted w/2 sec pause at top)

Face down on GHD, neutral spine and tight mid line Hip free to flex and extend

E: Front Squat (2 x 3 @ 65%)

Kids Break

A: Push-ups (Tabata 8 sets)

Run 400m after each Tabata

B: Sit-ups (Tabata )

C: Weighted alt lunges (3 x 10m AHAP, rest 2 min b/t)

With a bar in front rack perform alt lunges

Categories: WOD

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