
Main – CrossFit

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Main WOD

M-1: Deck of Death 2 (Time)


Jump squat

KB swing 53/35

S2OH 75/45

Competition WOD

C-1: Skill – dip (No Measure)

3 sets not for time

10 ring dips

15 T2B

20 alt pistols

40 DUs

C-2: Metcon (No Measure)

Run through either or both WODs for comp


S-A: Front Squat (Build to a 5 rep max)

S-B: Push-Ups (Max Reps)

*Chest and thighs must touch the ground at the bottom with a full lockout of the elbows at the top

S-C: Strict pull ups (Max Reps)

Maintain hollow position

S-D: Metcon (Time)

400m Overhead Barbell Carry 95lbs/65lbs

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