What’s happening Wednesday


12/4 – 7th Annual Wishing on a WOD – Donate online here http://tinyurl.com/gvkouoa
12/10 – Bring a Friend Saturday! 7 AM, 8:15 AM and 9:30 AM
12/17 – Annual BCF Holiday Party – 6 to 11 PM – email Mel to RSVP mgriffin@beavertoncrossfit.com
12/25 – all classes canceled
2/4 – 3rd Annual Valentine’s Day Massacre Competition – sign up today! http://tinyurl.com/jgeh9yf

BCF Main – CrossFit

View Public Whiteboard

Main WOD

A: Clean and Jerk (Build to a heavy in 20 min)

B: Metcon (Time)

30 Wallball

30 TTB

30 Box jump 24/20

30 Push press 115/75

30 Pull ups

30 KB swing 53/35

30 Goblet squats

30 Cal AB or row

Competition WOD

A: Snatch (1 RM in 20 min)

B: Metcon (Time)

“Jackie” then backie

1000m row

50 thrusters 45#

30 pull ups

50 thrusters

1000m row

Accessory Work

AA: Metcon (No Measure)

3 sets of

30s banded external rotations/arm

Rest 1 min

30s wall bridge

Rest 1 min

45s pidgeon stretch on box/leg

Rest 1 min

Categories: WOD

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