Continuously Striving for Improvement
Congratulations to Kelsey Lind, the October 2023 Athlete of the Month!
Where were you in your fitness journey before BSC and where are you now?
I was very active in sports throughout my life. However, during COVID I had to take some time off from all fitness to recover from a surgery; essentially starting over! After almost two years of consistency, I am excited and proud of the progress I have made.
What were your goals when you started, and have you achieved any of them?
My goals are always shifting. When I first started, my main goal was to reestablish my foundations (e.g., pull-up, push-ups, 1mile time). Now, my goals revolve around increasing strength in all of the lifts. I spent a lot of time learning/refining my technique and it has finally been paying off!
What about BSC makes you keep coming back?
Easy answer: the community! The people in 5:30p and 11:30a classes, BCF Beauties, and the Dad jokes make it easy to keep coming back.
When/what was your "ah ha!" moment?
It's hard to beat the feeling when Double Unders finally clicks or the first strict pull-up. :) The next "ah ha!" moment is always around the corner. It is great having a community of people to share in the wins!
Does anyone at the gym (member or trainer) inspire you and why?
There are many people that inspire/motivate me at the gym! They encourage me to add more weight on the bar or Rx the workout. There are so many fit people at the gym so there is always someone I try to keep up with during the WOD.