Customer of the MonthDecember

Michelle Eldridge

Finding Strength & Community

Congratulations to Michelle Eldridge, the December 2023 BSC Athlete of the Month!

Where were you in your fitness journey before BSC and where are you now?
Before BSC, I mostly did workout classes at Nike and would lift here and there. I enjoyed those classes but was always curious to see what this whole CrossFit thing was all about. Two years later, I'm so glad that I joined, and I feel stronger than I ever have.
What were your goals when you started and have you achieved any of them?
When I first joined, my goal was simply to get stronger and while I have achieved that general goal, there's always more to go and more goals to set!
What about BSC makes you keep coming back?
The people for sure! Having a community of incredible athletes and just all-around good people by my side makes all of those hard workouts so much more enjoyable.
When/what was your "ah ha!" moment?
I think my "ah ha" moment was when I got my first rope climb. It was something I had never done before, and it took some practice and time to get there. I still have several more skills to work on and I look forward to having more of those moments.
Does anyone at the gym (member or trainer) inspire you and why?
Oh man, so many people do. Do I have to name all of them? I feel like there are several in every class and it's truly every person who shows up and stays committed to doing the work to get better. Special shoutouts to all the coaches, the BCF Beauties, and The Breakfast Club!

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