Customer of the MonthFebruary

Tara Spiker

Consistency and Community are Key!

Congratulations to Tara Spiker, the BSC February 2021 Athlete of the Month!

Where were you in your fitness journey before BSC and where are you now?
In 2015, I attempted my first Crossfit class. I was intimidated by the workouts and completely felt there was no possible way I could hold up….so naturally I had to try it. To my surprise, I loved it and didn’t die. Once I settled from my move to Oregon in August of 2018, finding a new gym became top priority. I visited several in the area and then landed at BSC. I knew immediately BSC was the perfect fit for me as soon as I walked in. Attending class continues to be my one of my favorite parts of the day – I truly look forward to it!
What were your goals when you started and have you achieved any of them?
My initial goals were to build up endurance, be a better runner and just get ONE strict pull-up. I’m happy to share, I’ve achieved all three. Now to tackle several strict pull-ups in succession and build up overhead strength.
What about BSC makes you keep coming back?
The culture! I just love the people and the environment. It’s the perfect combination for great results. I’ve made so many wonderful friends at BSC. Completing a grueling workout with friendly faces around is highly motivating. BSC creates such a comfortable atmosphere for athletes of all ages - It’s so much fun watching all the families work out together.
When/what was your “ah ha!” moment?
Once I realized how important consistency is it changed my progress. For me, it’s not as important to focus on how heavy the weight is or how fast I complete a workout, it’s more about establishing a daily routine and staying true to it. Finding the right pace to just keep moving!
Does anyone the gym (member or trainer) inspire you and why?
All the athletes and coaches at BSC inspire me. I completely enjoy being around like-minded people who cheer for one another and genuinely want each person to succeed. Witnessing others who set/achieve goals and reach incredible feats in their workout is contagious. It gives me so much energy and keeps me coming back every day. I’m better just by being around the best!

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