January 2025 Athlete of the Month

Sanjay Kambhatla

Overcoming Obstacles and Achieving Greatness

LEarn about Sanjay Kambhatla's Journey at BSC

Congratulations to our January 2025 Athlete of the Month, Sanjay Kambhatla!

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Where were you in your fitness journey before BSC and where are you now?

I was doing orange theory fitness, and yoga at home with a MUCH lower focus on weight. With regard to my fitness journey, I feel like I am doing well, and everything is working as it needs to; so that I can continue living the life I have been up till now. I work at a Fred Meyer, in downtown; and I’m happy to be able to walk to work, despite it raining occasionally.

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What were your goals when you started, and have you achieved any of them?

My goal was to put on more muscle as well as to improve stability and balance. Yes, I think I have achieved my secondary goal, of gaining muscle; however, you must understand that I could become the toughest guy around ¬t feel like I have truly met my goal, which was to shed not body fat, but to help combat my Neurological Disease which is commonly called: Nieman Type Pick C.

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What about BSC makes you keep coming back?

The sense of community that the coaches have with all of their subordinates (the people actually working out).

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When/what was your "ah ha!" moment?

Call it what you want to, but I am driven by formulating a good impression in the minds of other people. When I started working out at BCF, that was my "ah ha!" moment, because I had found an activity that I enjoyed doing (working out), which also helped me out in the long run!

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Does anyone at the gym (member or trainer) inspire you and why?

I'm inspired by Mike, Derick, and all of the other coaches not because of anything they do or did, but because of how they make me feel while I'm working out. I mean, they really try to make me a part of the general community, which is a problem suffered by many people who also suffer from NPC (Nieman Type Pick C). They are all fully capable of coaching me and becoming my friend (like a work-place friend). I generally find that I feel better after my session at Beaverton CrossFit (BCF).

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