
Beaverton Strength and Conditioning – CrossFit

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Skill Work

A: Gymnastics Skills Practice: (12 Minutes) HSPU – kipping (3-5 reps at each )

HSPU – kipping

1) Hand positioning

2) Kick up on wall

3) Bring knees to chest

4) Extend Hips + Press

5) String multiple reps together fast (cycling reps)
Focus is on technique and form at each step

B: Back Squat (Back Squat Cluster 5.5.5 x 3 @ 60-70%)

Rest :30 bt clusters

Rest 3 mins between sets

C: Metcon (Time)

For Time:


10 Power snatch 135/95


10 Power Snatch 155/105


10 Power Snatch 185/125
Scaling suggestions:

*When scaling men add in 20lb increments

ladies add 15lbs

Competition WOD

A: Metcon (No Measure)

IYT x 10

Shoulder tap x 10

Banded front rack hold x 1 min/side

3 sets

B: Shoulder Press (3 x 3 – Build to heavy)

C: Push Press (3 x 3 – build to heavy)

D: Split Jerk (3 x 3 – build to heavy)

E: Snatch Grip Deadlift (4 x 3 @ 61X1)

Rep starts at top

2s lower to knee

2s hold at knee

2s lower to floor

F: Metcon (Weight)

5 sets of

weighted dip x 8

weighted chin ups x 8

Categories: WOD

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