
Beaverton Strength and Conditioning – CrossFit

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Main WOD

A: Warm-up (No Measure)

Unilateral work:

3 Rounds

1-Leg Box Jump/plate

4each leg

KB Cossack Squats

8each leg

Lateral Skater Hops

5each leg for distance
*Lateral jumping from

one leg and landing on

the other. Stick the

landing (2 sec pause)

B: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

15min AMRAP

2 Strict MU or 6 strict pullups

Shuttle Sprint (40m)

LOB Down and back x 2

(4 points of contact)

10 Jumping Lunges

15 Toe to bars
*LOB = Length of Box

Competition WOD

A: Hang muscle clean (3 x 3 – moderate)

Hang muscle clean

B: Power clean + power jerk (70% x 2 , 75% x 2 , 80% x 1)

Focus on good catch position and good dip/drive position

C: Hang Clean (High hang )

70% x 2 – drop n go

75% x 2


D: Metcon (Time)

100 cal bike

1 mile run – treadmill

For time

Accessory Work

A: Metcon (No Measure)

3 sets of

15 back ext w/ plate

30s weighted plank

20 Russian twists w/medball

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