Beaverton Strength and Conditioning – CrossFit
Main WOD
A: Metcon (Weight)
Tall Snatch + Snatch Balance
(1+1) x 4
*Build each set
*Speed under bar is priority.
B: Snatch ((80-85%/1)x3)
*Build to 80-85% , then perform 3 quality sets. If you miss, redo the lift
C: Snatch Grip Deadlift (4×2)
2 sec pause below Knee
*Begin @ 100% of 1RM snatch and add 10lbs each set
*Use straps if you have them.
D: Metcon (Weight)
3-4 sets
10m DB Lunges
10/arm 1/2 Kneeling DB Press
10 BB Good mornings